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Feb 18, 2003 New painting is up. Learned how to digitize and scale my video properly. Put up some of my videos/animations from video class finally. Check them out in the Words section. Feb 11, 2003 Prolly won't get to digitize my video until spring or midsemester break... Unitl then, here's a silly gallery show I did. Jan 13, 2003 New art and art and comics and things are up and about. Hopefully once I get my DV tape back from my professor, I'll get to put up some keen (and not so keen) animation and video from last semester. Seeing as my vast amounts of work were what kept me from even coming anywhere NEAR this site for the past several months, I figure the least I could do would be to stick the fruits of that labor up here before I once again become inundated. Also, we're on a host that doesn't SUCK now (World Web Hosters is, ironically, the worst Web Host in the World), so you can actually SEE this page with over a 25% chance of success! Yay! Also, expect the counter to begin working again soon. Sep 25, 2002 New comic in the WORDS section. Sep 21, 2002 Took a brief break from THE BUSIEST WEEKEND EVER to UL a new Weekly Photo. Please appreciate it. Sep 13, 2002 New weekly photo up, albeit technically a 'bi-weekly' one. Been doing lots of work for classes an' stuff, along with a promising revamp of the old Capn' Spiffy comic, so there's not much else in the way of updates here just yet. We have, however, been moved to a 'better' host, which means that someday my counter will start working again, and now, whenever you do something my page doesn't like, you may very well get a classy custom 404 error (though not just yet...). Aug 30, 2002 Yay! Back at ol' CMU! Moving into school, combined with a computer that refursed to connect to the network for a week resulted in no update last week. Now, there's a spiffy new weekly photo. Unfortunately, Windows XP doesn't like my tablet, so there might not be much new digital art content until I can snag a new one. Aug 18, 2002 New thing in the Other section. Aug 16, 2002 New weekly photo. Also, yesterday I got to use the phrase 'zany bosom' an inordinate number of times. Aug 11, 2002 New art in the Caricatures and the Other sections. Aug 09, 2002 New weekly photo. Aug 07, 2002 Saw Giants again yesterday. Talked to Flans again yesterday (what a genial guy!). Talked at Linnell from about 7 feet of distance yesterday. Discovered straight from the proverbial horse's mouth (sadly) that drummer Dan Hickey wasn't (prolly) in Eight is Enough yesterday. He did get locked out of the bus, though (yesterday), which was pretty funny. Oh, yeah. Update. I...uh..fixed some typos (which I actually did do). Also, I discovered why Bakana's official salon is out of bidness. Aug 03, 2002 New weekly photo. Sadly, I went to the local Asian Plaza today, and saw a number of weekly photo-worthy Engrish labels for the future, but had forgotten my camera which I had taken very special care to remember to bring... July 28, 2002 New weekly photo. Also, a bit of public works is available in the words section. Also, I saw Goldmember today, against my better judgement. The first disappointing film I've seen this summer...they really should've left the first, good movie as a single thingy. If you want to watch a good movie, rent Kung-POW! I finally got to see it yesterday, after several failed attempts (it left theaters too soon), and it was filled with Oedekirkian hilarity. Oh yeah, I also ate an elephant ear today. Man, I love those! July 22, 2002 New art in the cartoon section. July 20, 2002 New weekly photo. Also, it's not actually visible anywhere, but Max and I have done quite a bit of work on an up and coming revamp of the ol' Cap'n Spiffy website and comic. Keep your corneas raw for that. July 16, 2002 Added information on commission work in the Store section. Just my friendly way of facilitating the movement of your money to me... July 13, 2002 New weekly photo. Silly things like 'working' and 'beating MegaMan Battle Network 2' have prohibited me from generating much else in the way of content, unfortunately. Also, incidentally, did anyone else in the world see DEVO's "Go, Monkey, Go!" music video on Cartoon Network? It was pretty great.... July 8, 2002 New weekly photo. In rather late, as I spent the whole weekend following my four-year-old cousin around a pile of dirt. July 1, 2002 Saw the B-52s this evening with Arben of NotArt. Very silly, campy fun. My Lobster was heartily Rocked. Also, something new in the Other section. And for those of you keeping careful tabs on the media consumed by me this summer, I also beat Bahamut Lagoon, beat Bushido Blade both ways and saw Lilo & Stitch again. June 29, 2002 New weekly photo. Also, I saw the Powerpuff Girls Movie this morning. It's really very quite good. Better than the last good cartoon I saw, even (see last update). Probably the best conversion of a TV cartoon to a movie I've seen. Which is more than I can say for some people... June 26, 2002 Yay! Less than six months 'til Christmas! Celebrate with some new Other art! Also recategorized some art which was in the Other section, but shoulda been in Cartoons. While I'm listing minor accomplishments, I beat Ufouria and Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom this past weekend. And saw Lilo & Stitch. I'm happy to say that I can not only recommend seeing it to keep 2-D animation as an artform from dying, but also because it's a swell, swell movie. Incidentally, Disney's NEXT movie looks pretty awful...regular ol' Treasure Island woulda made a keen cartoon. This Treasure Planet nonsense just looks like a sub-par ripoff off of such sub-par sci animations as Titan A.E. and whatnot...hmph. June 21, 2002 New weekly photo. Also, check out Bakana's Official Totally Awesome Video Game. June 16, 2002 New big thing in the Other art page. June 15, 2002 New small thing in the Other art page. June 14, 2002 Happy Flag Day, whatever that is. New weekly photo. Not much else. I coulda had a frikkin' MURAL up for youse guys, but brief, ice-cream-related complications arose (which isn't near as delicious a predicament as you'd imagine). I also happen to like NO! cds very much... June 09, 2002 New weekly photo, in kinda late as I haven't been near my computer since Thursday afternoon (again). Been working on a possible future revamp of the old, old Cap'n Spiffy website, with some new art, which I may put of later if I get too sidetracked to actually utlize in an actual site revamp... June 02, 2002 New weekly photo, in kinda late as I haven't been near my computer since Thursday afternoon. May 28, 2002 New slices of art in the Manga section and the Other section. Also, some new links. May 25, 2002 New weekly photo. Din't get it up yesserday, as I was too busy watching FLCL and co-founding a supervillainous duo known only as the Philosophes. I demand that my supervillain name is Vroomfondle. Also finished Salmon of Doubt this morning. Good stuff, it was. I only wish it was really all unpublished Doug Adams material, as I'd already read the majority of the non-novel stuff. May 20, 2002 Saw SW2 agin, all digital-like. Remedied alot of the artifacts in the film version...that prolly wouldn't have been there were it filmed in film... New thing in the caricature section. Wow. Real, actual, new content. May 18, 2002 New weekly photo. Read Frank Miller's Dark Night Returns today. That was good. Saw Star Wars 2 today. That was pretty good. Saw Rudy Ray Moore's Avenging Disco Godfather today. That was GREAT. There's also a new t-shirt design in the store, if'n you really wanna waste your cash. May 11, 2002 New weekly photo. Not much else, as this is my last day here at CMU for the year, and packing and getting rid of the garbage that's accumulated in my room are corroborating to initiate my destruction... May 3, 2002 New weekly photo. Not much else, as this is the last day of class, and finals and final projects are corroborating to initiate my destruction... April 26, 2002 New weekly photo. I finally managed to get my Electronic Media Studio projects to work on my non-Mac computer (no mean feat, I tell you), and they're up in the Words section. April 23, 2002 Revamped the online store so there's kinda more stuff in it. I need to amke more actual designs and stuff soon... April 19, 2002 New weekly photo. That's about it for now. There's so little time for new content between all my hours of work and all my hours loafing outside on the grass... April 16, 2002 Wasn't able to do my Friday update due to an all-day field trip to the Great Serpent Mound in my friendly home-state of Ohio. Hopefully an auxiliary Monday update will suffice. I did get some good photos, one of which is this week's new weekly photo. There were too many ridiculous storefront to catch all on camera, unfortunately. April 7, 2002 Remember that 'more content' I promised? Some of it is up. Check the Art section for some of the stuff I've been doing here at college. April 5, 2002 Well, approximately 66% of my hair is gone. I donated a foot of the stuff yesterday, and have been downgraded from 'Jesus-hair' status to lowly 'Silent Bob-hair' status. Also, I ULed a new weekly pic. The research paper is done, and I'm shooting some slides of my work this afternoon. Unless I'm a total idiot, I should remember to take digicam photos of some of my stuff, thus allowing me MORE content! March 29, 2002 Uploaded a new weekly photo. Spring break starts tomorrow, so I might have some time to digitize newer stuff, or mebbe even MAKE something new...but probably not, thanks to an insidious research project... March 21, 2002 No...time...for...flash...no...time...for...anything... Found the time to upload some older and some newer art abouts the website. Hopefully over spring break, I'll be able to take pictures of more stuff I've made thus far in freshman year. ...and speaking of taking pictures, in an effort to have at least some sort of regularly occurring new content, I've decided to start posting an interesting/distressing slice of photography from in and around the CMU area every week, as I've been apt to do in the last few posts anyway. February 22, 2002 Possibly working on a crummy new flash interface to play around with here. In other (terrible) news, the counters here at NotArt.org have been broken since Sunday, hence the ugly black rectangle down there where my counter should be. What makes this extra terrible is evidently the art I did for the Girls has given my site some notoriety, and some new visitors this week, none of which were counted. Swell. Plus I discovered a new evil in the world: welding. It sucks more than I can possibly describe. And to top it all off, until last Thursday, my pal Kelly was 100% utterly certain of the fact that I was French (which I am indeed not). If she had mistaken me for someone with down syndrome, or something, I could live with that, but for a frenchman? I'll never live it down. ![]() So much for a productive update. January 26, 2002 I made some snowmen over winter break. Read about them, and some ensuing adventuredom, in the Words section. And remember, kids, paper kills trees. ![]() January 25, 2002 Bakana has some new officially endorsed products and things. Oooh..I'm regulary updating again! Don't expect that to last. Note to self: Patent the coffee maker at the school coffehouse, before the BUNN corporation gets around to it, then sue the BUNN corporation. ![]() January 24, 2002 New comic in comics. Snowman building article should be on its way. Comrade Arben of NotArt wanted to write part of it, effectively adding about a week to the completion time. When my laziness works alone, things get disastrously drug out. Compounding it with another source of laziness only multiplies the terror. Also, my autobio page has been updated to reflect the fact that one of my three cats has now taken up residence 3 feet under my backyard. Plus, I found this photo on my digicam from last semester of a wall in my 2-D Studio classroom. The evil force living in the wall evidently has conflicting feelings regarding my (neat) professor Lance Winn. ![]() January 13, 2001 Back from winter break, and have some stuff to show for it. New cartoon art. Also, some new words to check owt. A neat new article about snowman building escapades is in the works. No fun annual 'new for 2002' TMBG pic, yet, but I just might have an idea... November 25, 2001 Ah, Thanksgiving break...I think I've eaten more in the past 4 days than I have in the month prior. Also, the ever-so-old Cap'n Spiffy Website is up. This counts as a Bakana update, as it means that certain writings and comics related to it are no longer broken. November 16, 2001 Hey. No updates, as I'm up to my arse in work, but my computer gave me this interesting message today: ![]() I'd no idea that my Media Player was so...catastrophic. November 11, 2001 Hey there hosers! Check out the Bakana Online Store. Part with your fundage for some trendy Bakana-flavored attire. Only a few things up there now, keep checking for more neat crap in the future. November 9, 2001 You knew it all along, but were too polite to say it out loud. Bakana is NotArt. Our new home is here, where (real) banner ads don't exist, I can use actual cgi scripts, and the file extension '.php' is all the rage. November 8, 2001 In case of emergency, I uploaded a project for my concept art class to the site. Feel free to look at it. For the record, it was a collab project, done with one creepy Eva. Incidentally, my class was lucky enough to see a hard copy of the project off a disk, meaning they didn't have to contend with the banner ads you sorry, starving webchildren must face. November 7, 2001 Geez, louise. You sit in front of two creepy femmes in art class while watching Christopher Walken's Brainstorm, and there's no telling what kind of nonsense they'll do to your head... ![]() Also, there's a NEW T.R. Wigglesworth comic in the comics section, from the ultra-ballistic comic ish of Pravda? October 29, 2001 Whutta bipolar week. Saw a really great TMBG concert on Thursday. Then yesterday I saw John Waters's Desperate Living. It may very well be the most horrible thing I've ever laid eyes upon. I wrote a review. October 17, 2001 No updates. That's right, nothing has changed about the site. Except for the fact that, as of today, el webmaster is a full-fledged adult in the eyes of the state. That's right, folks, I'm 18 now. So you can chalk up any lack of updates to me being up to my eyes in adult-type debauch, honest. October 2, 2001 Added a new link. To Torgo.org. Also, a deathly ill child with oni horns said I have 'big eyes.' Optical hydrocephalia? Probably. September 24, 2001 Jeepers, I'm actually regularly updating this thing. 'Sup with that? Anyway, some neat new stuff from my computer art class is up in the 'Other' and 'Caricature' sections of the art page. Also, I've produced a little exposé on a gift-giving monstrosity known as the "LeBag." September 23, 2001 I'm working on something big, new, and terrible for the Words section. Nothing really new up yet, I just happened to see a really terriffic film. Eat the Rich is effing hilarious. I'm naming my firstborn son (or daughter, or anything) Nosh. September 22, 2001 Links updated a tad. Mink Car is neat. One Night at McCool's is humorous. I also taught someone the word 'amalgam' today. September 13, 2001 Little updates all over the place. Find 'em. On the plus side, college doesn't suck at all. On the minus side, America (including, evidently, a field kinda near Pittsburgh here) is under attack. Also, Jay Jonah Jameson is a flaming homosexual. Not necessarily good or bad, but news nonetheless: ![]() August 23, 2001 Finally got my computer set up at college. Changed the e-mail address to my college one, uploaded a few new thingummies all around. If I ever have any free time, I'll be working on some possible new stuff for Words, and maybe some more art. August 18, 2001 Leave fer college in 3 days. Updates on new computer, which is in pieces in boxes in my living room. Once I'm set up in PA, I'll upload some new crap. On the plus side, I saw Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back t'day. Kick. Arse. June 5, 2001 Added some links, and reorganized existing ones. They're still in no particular order, however. More actual content pending once I get a digicam to capture some of the big, ugly artwork I brought home from school last week. May 24, 2001 Only one more day of public schooling for me, joy and rapture. As if that wasn't enough, I opened my newest issue of PSM t'day to find none other than my really kinda old Breath of Fire 4 picture there, with my URL. Both these elements could lead to two very good things for this site: More traffic, and some actual content-filled updates to combat useless, crappy updates like these. May 12, 2001 Crap, crap, crap. Miserable news. I just found out that Douglas Adams died yesterday. Crap, crap, crap. May 11, 2001 Uploaded the last ever T.R. Wigglesworth comic (at least the last form the SHS Courier), plus another editorial cartoon. April 19, 2001 In future TIMES, children will WORK TOGETHER, to build a GIANT CYBOOORG! Saw They Might Be Giants in concert yesterday at the M. Mui fantastico. April 13, 2001 I just finished watching Invader ZIM. What a great show. Anyway, new caricatures in that section, and new cartoons (T.R. Wigglesworth and editorial) in the comics section. Mar 23, 2001 No uploads, just gloating, or blogging, or whatever the effing hoo-haw they call this nonproductive nonsense. I just got accepted today to Carnegie-Mellon University's School of Art. Joy and rapture. Now, to find some money... Mar 9, 2001 Uploaded this month's T.R. Wigglesworth comic, plus s'more ed. cartoons. Made a page to stick all the old news on. Also, uploaded better photos of the Bruce Campbell model in the caricature page. A few other minor tweaks and whittles, too, nothing to get excited about. Feb 10, 2001 Uploaded this month's T.R. Wigglesworth comic. Feb 7, 2001 Find out about Bakana's official charitable cause! Jan 22, 2001 New art. Find it somewhere in the art section. Jan 17, 2001 New stuff in the Comics, Cartoons, and Other sections. Also, the new "Bakana's Official Stuff" page is starting to form in the info section. Open-campus midterm week is great for getting stuff done, I guess... Jan 15, 2001 In a totally fake attempt to appear as though I'm actually doing some sort of work on this page, I added this totally useless news byte, that contains no new information, save for that fact that I just saw Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, which is, incidentally, a very good film. Jan 6, 2001 The FIRST UPLOAD OF THE NEW MILLENNIUM. Uploaded the Janvier T.R. Wigglesworth comic, and put some new poo on the caricature page. Dec 10, 2000 Uploaded the December T.R. Wigglesworth comic, and corrected a spelling error in the last news installment. Dec 8, 2000 Specifically avoided uploading the new T.R. Wigglesworth comic I should be uploading. I did, however, implement this creepy new phsychotropic background, plus I capitalized the word Jesus in the previous news thingie to keep from being SMITTEN by a DIVINE BOLT of JUSTICE. Dec 1, 2000 Luke found a new on-line toy! Click HERE to see this page in Jesus mode, courtesy of your pals at askjesus.org. Nov 13, 2000 New pencil sketch in the other section. Joy and rapture. Just look at the last update, I did so much more then... Nov 2, 2000 Added two T.R. Wigglesworth strips to the comics section, one being the second strip, and the third being a BONUS, ON-LINE EXCLUSIVE-type strip, actually a preliminary version of strip #1, which actually would have prolly fared better among the monosyllabic clientelle of Solon High School. Also, check out the words section to find out why the XboX will kill us all. Sept 29, 2000 Added a T.R. Wigglesworth strip to the comics section. Sept 22, 2000 Added new cartoon in the comics section, and a new picture in the cartoons section. Both are must-sees, especially if you're a Solon High School student who subscribes to the Courier, and was forced to see the bastardized, edited-for-foolish-reasons ones! Aug 25, 2000 Moved some old rants into the writings section. Aug 18, 2000 I saw Godzilla 2000, and lemme tell ya, it was a fun li'l romp. Read about my harrowing experience with the movie in the words section. Back. |
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